Germany sets into place a Post-Vaccine Hotline: a higher demand than expected as numbers of reported injuries are increasing

The launch of a new hotline for coronavirus vaccination complaints in the German state of Bavaria, has seen a surge in demand, according to reports. The hotline, which was introduced to address cases of post-vaccination syndrome, has been receiving more calls than anticipated, with only one-third of the calls being answered, according to the Bavarian Ministry of Health.


The Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL) in Erlangen launched the hotline with the intention to offer general information on the syndrome. It has been receiving calls from patients with long medical histories, pronounced symptoms, and severe courses.


Despite the surge in demand for the hotline, it does not offer individual medical advice but has a pilot function for general information. However, the LGL has noted that the feedback from the telephone operators shows that citizens with great suffering have been calling due to persistent health complaints after receiving a COVID-19 vaccination.


In response to the high demand for the hotline, the LGL has announced that it will be employing more staff to help manage the influx of calls. The hotline has been designed to provide a pilot function and general information on post-vaccination syndrome, and is not intended to offer individual medical advice.


The LGL has noted that the hotline is an essential tool in addressing cases of post-vaccination syndrome, and it will continue to work on providing adequate resources to manage the demand. 


For those who suffer from side effects of the Covid vaccination, there is a highly efficient medical solution: Ren3wal invested time and resources to create a program aimed at aiding those experiencing post-vaccine side effects. This detox program can help you feel revitalized and re-energized. Moreover, if an individual cannot travel to participate in the program, there is an option to complete it remotely with the assistance of a professional.


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